Gst Practitioner Exam Govt Extended Eligibility Criteria

Reported under GST on 04/12/2018

The National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes and Narcotics (NACIN) has been authorized to conduct an examination for confirmation of enrollment of Goods and Services Tax Practitioners (GSTPs) in terms of the sub-rule (3) of Rule 83 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, vide Notification No. 24/2018-Central Tax dated 28.5.2018.

NACIN has started registration for the GST Practitioners Exam and statement issued by the Government has said that “Reference is invited to Press Release dated 1.11.2018 and 19.11.2018 regarding exam for GST Practitioners (GSTPs) scheduled on 17.12.2018. For this exam, only those GSTPs of the relevant category were invited to register on examination portal whose enrolment on GST Network was approved as on 15.11.2018.” “Now the GSTPs in the relevant category, who are enrolled on GSTN after 15.11.2018 and till 26.11.2018, are also invited to register on the portal. The portal is open for registration up to 05.12.2018,”

To be noted that the above exam has not been schedule to conduct for all category of persons who enrolled on GST portal is made.

This exam has been scheduled to conduct for GSTP’s relevant category of person as define in terms of the sub-rule (3) of Rule 83 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017. In other words ” Sales Tax Practitioners or Tax Return Preparers acted under earlier law/s for not less than 5 years” & whose enrollment was approved on portal on 26.11.2018 is made are eligible to appear in the above said GSTP Examination.

Posted by ALI AHMED KHAN under GST

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