watch_later 25/08/17

hi Sir, I am a tour operator from delhi and received GST Registration.My question is there is two type of is I am arranging Taxi and hotel at my own for my clients in north and receiveing Hotel bills with 12or 18% % gst in hotel bills as per tariff and transporter giving bills with 5 % gst.I am not applied for composition scheme.Now my question is when i am giving one bill for the entire package with a small margin added ,what percentage of GST Applicable? whether i can eligible of ITC ?

2nd one I am taking entire package from another majour tour operator and he is giving 5% gst on the total with onebill.Now I am adding a small marging and give it to my end user.for my client what is the percentage of gst applicable for the whole amount

For Eg. Tour operator is giving 10000  as total package +5% gst =10,500/- one bill.

I am charging 11,000/- to my client.what percentage I can apply gst on my bill ? whether it is eligible for input credit.

pl.give your valuable advice




2 Responses | Latest response: 14/06/18 | Sort by Likes(thumb_up) Recent | GST Reply

 GST paid on the purchase of tour packages from another tour operator can be claimed as ITC and only the difference tax can be paid to the Government.

Sir can i take input credit by applying 18% gst to my clients???


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