Good Evening Sir,
Happy to read that KYG is now bringing up new changes in the existing billing software. Sir, I had suggested certain changes in the past which I am bringing out again if those can be accommodated (Invoice as well as BOS).
1. Rounding off error.
2. Adding logo.
3. Statment / Purchase list having all columns like date, Party name, Inv. No., GSTIN no, etc
4. Print of BOS to be from Print Click/Tab and not from existing Control P.
Thank you sir for showing confidence in Billing software.
Regarding your suggestions let us discuss.
1. Rounding off - Yes I am planning to include this. Hopefully in next launch you will be able to see this change.
2. Adding logo. - I am working on new design of invoice which will have option to attach logo also.
3. Purchase/sales statement - This option is already available. You need to click on Reports menu, there you can see sales return data and purchase return data option. Here the report will give you full detail of invoice as you require. Let me know if anything is missing here.
4. I did not understand this point. Can you explain it in comments?
Thanks a lot and help to bring more people on board.
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