watch_later 15/07/23

How much gold a person can purchase in various forms. Whether Income Tax Act prohibits purchase of Gold?

  1. Physical gold
  2. Digiital gold
  3. Soverien gold bonds
  4. Gold etfs and mutual funds
1 Response | Latest response: 18/07/23 | Sort by Likes(thumb_up) Recent | Income-Tax Reply
watch_later 18/07/23

One can invest in Gold by either purchasing physical gold or gold articles. There are other modern ways such as Gold ETF, Gold bonds etc.

Physical Gold

There is no limit on how much gold you can buy. You can buy an unlimited quantity of gold jewelry or gold coins with taxed income. Income tax officers will not question and neither confiscate Gold if it is purchased with taxed income or exempted income. However, one need not to explain below quantity and allowed by Income Tax laws:

  1. Married Ladies - 500 Gms
  2. Unmarried Ladies - 250 Gms
  3. Men (Married or unmarried) - 100Gms

Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB)

You can invest upto 4 KG of fold through SGB. Trust can buy upto 20 Kg.

There is no limit on ETF and Digital Gold.



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