watch_later 26/07/23

Hey everyone,

I am in the process of starting my own small business and I'm a bit confused about how to calculate the GST (Goods and Services Tax) for my products/services. I want to ensure that I am adhering to all the tax regulations and doing everything correctly.

Could anyone here kindly guide me on how to calculate GST for my products/services? Are there any reliable resources or articles you recommend that can explain this process in a simple and easy-to-understand manner?

I appreciate any help you can provide, as I want to make sure I'm doing things right from the beginning.

Thank you!

1 Response | Latest response: 03/09/23 | Sort by Likes(thumb_up) Recent | GST Reply
watch_later 03/09/23

First, get GST registration. You will need address proof, ID proof and banking details.

List products/services, you will be dealing in. Find out HSN codes and applicable tax on them.

Issue tax invoices, by mentioning correct HS code and GST tax.

Filing monthly GST returns such as GSTR-1, GSTR-3B etc.


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