As of now I have coded only invoicing part. You can use it for both credit as well as cash sales.
You have multiple type of buyers:
Registered buyer will always need input credit. At time of registering him punch the GSTIN number.
Unregistered buyers will not have GSTIN number and details are not even required to file GSTR-1.
For registered buyers you must be already using the application and your concern is only for unregistered retail customer. Correct me if I am wrong.
What I suggest is create a customer with name "Retail customer" or "Retail Cash customer" as per your wish. In address field you can provide name of your city.
For all retail customers raise bills on this newly created account.
By doing this you will have track of all retail billing. Anyhow if you would like to create a separate customer account for each customer regardless of registered or unregistered, retail sells can be tracked if GSTIN is not provided.
Now coming to invoice balance part.
As you know the in latest update, KYG-INVOICING is updated with receipt booking functionality.
For customer who pay you cash on the spot, you can instantly book the receipt by clicking on Book Receipt and invoice balance will be 0.
In next week I will try to provide you with cash invoice option.
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