Showing Result for "SPARE PARTS"

HS Code Goods/Service discription SGST CGST IGST CESS Conditions
9801 All items of machinery including prime movers, instruments, apparatus and appliances, control gear and transmission equipment, auxiliary equipment (including those required for research and development purposes, testing and quality control), as well as all components (whether finished or not) or raw materials for the manufacture of the aforesaid items and their components, required for the initial setting up of a unit, or the substantial expansion of an existing unit, of a specified: (1)industrial plant, (2)irrigation project, (3)power project, (4)mining project, (5)project for the exploration for oil or other minerals, and (6)such other projects as the Central Government may, having regard to the economic development of the country notify in the Official Gazette in this behalf; and spare parts, other raw materials (including semi-finished materials of consumable stores) not exceeding 10% of the value of the goods specified above, provided that such spare parts, raw materials or consumable stores are essential for the maintenance of the plant or project mentioned in (1) to (6) above. 9 9 18 None None
88 or Any other chapter Scientific and technical instruments, apparatus, equipment, accessories, parts, components, spares, tools, mock ups and modules, raw material and consumables required for launch vehicles and satellites and payl 2.5 2.5 5 None None

Find GST HSN Codes with Tax Rates

Here you can search HS Code of all products, we have curated list of available HS code with GST website. The procedure to find HS Code with tax rate is very simple. In above box you need to type discription of product/service or HS Code and a list of all products with codes and tax rates will be displayed.

HS Code and tax rate for services

You can use this very same form above to search HS Codes and tax rates for services also. For example, to find HS Code and tax rate for loading and unloading charges, type loading charges in above box and click on search button.

What is HS Code?

HS Code is internationally accepted format of coding to describe a product. All around the world same HS codes are used to discribe a product. You can use 4 digit HS code to generate your invoices.

GST rates for all HS codes

You can search GST tax rate for all products in this search box. You have to only type name or few words or products and our server will search details for you. Tax rates are sourced from GST website and are updated from time to time.

Note: You are adviced to double check rates with GST rate book. We update rates whenever possible and at earliest, however there may be chance of delayed updation.