Neel Metal Products Limited (27AABCN6304Q1Z4) - Maharashtra GST Number details

GST number of Neel Metal Products Limited is 27AABCN6304Q1Z4. Neel Metal Products Limited is registered as a Public Limited Company. This business was registered under GST on 09/04/2019. This is GST number of Maharashtra state.

GST Number (GSTIN)27AABCN6304Q1Z4
AddressNeel Metal Products Ltd C-1/1 Chakan Industrial Area, MIDC Village Mahalunge, TQ-KHED Maharashtra
Entity TypePublic Limited Company
Registration TypeRegular
Department Code and TypePUNE CANTT_701, MHCG1223, UC0403, RANGE-III
Nature of BusinessFactory / Manufacturing
Registration Date09/04/2019

GST Numbers associated with PAN AABCN6304Q of Neel Metal Products Limited

Neel Metal Products Limited is registered with 7 GST numbers in different states. List of GST numbers associated is as below. This Public Limited Company is registered in 7 states. You can check details of each state by clicking on below links.
GST numberState
05AABCN6304Q1ZA Uttarakhand
06AABCN6304Q1Z8 Haryana
07AABCN6304Q1Z6 -
33AABCN6304Q1ZB Tamil Nadu
24AABCN6304Q1ZA Gujarat
29AABCN6304Q1Z0 Karnataka
02AABCN6304Q1ZG Himachal Pradesh

Details of GST number 27AABCN6304Q1Z4

GST number 27AABCN6304Q1Z4 belongs to Neel Metal Products Limited . 27AABCN6304Q1Z4 is registered in Maharashtra state. Business of this entiry is registerd as a Public Limited Company. Contact details such as Email, Mobile number or customer care are not shared with us.


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