GST number of Das Caterers is 07CQUPB1351D1Z3. Das Caterers is registered as a Proprietorship. This business was registered under GST on 17/10/2019. This is GST number of Delhi state.
Particulars | Details |
GST Number (GSTIN) | 07CQUPB1351D1Z3 |
Business Name | DAS CATERERS |
Pincode | 110009 |
Entity Type | Proprietorship |
Registration Type | Regular |
Department Code and Type | Ward 72, DL072, ZI0503, RANGE - 23 |
Nature of Business | Recipient of Goods or Services, Office / Sale Office, Supplier of Services |
Registration Date | 17/10/2019 |
GST number 07CQUPB1351D1Z3 belongs to Das Caterers . 07CQUPB1351D1Z3 is registered in Delhi state. Business of this entiry is registerd as a Proprietorship. Contact details such as Email, Mobile number or customer care are not shared with us.
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