Aceer India (Pvt)Ltd (01AACCA1237A1ZT) - Jammu and Kashmir GST Number details

GST number of Aceer India (Pvt)Ltd is 01AACCA1237A1ZT. Aceer India (Pvt)Ltd is registered as a Private Limited Company. This business was registered under GST on 2017-07-08T00:00:00. This is GST number of Jammu and Kashmir state.

AddressTransport Nagar Safexpress Pvt Ltd 27-F Parimpora Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir
Entity TypePrivate Limited Company
Registration TypeRegular
Department Code and TypeCircle Q- Kashmir, JK056, None, None
Nature of BusinessRecipient of Goods or Services, Service Provision, Office / Sale Office
Registration Date2017-07-08T00:00:00

GST Numbers associated with PAN AACCA1237A of Aceer India (Pvt)Ltd

Aceer India (Pvt)Ltd is registered with 31 GST numbers in different states. List of GST numbers associated is as below. This Private Limited Company is registered in 31 states. You can check details of each state by clicking on below links.
GST numberState
03AACCA1237A3ZN Punjab
06AACCA1237A1ZJ Haryana
22AACCA1237A1ZP Chhattisgarh
24AACCA1237A1ZL Gujarat
02AACCA1237A1ZR Himachal Pradesh
30AACCA1237A1ZS Goa
21AACCA1237A1ZR Odisha
05AACCA1237A1ZL Uttarakhand
08AACCA1237A1ZF Rajasthan
10AACCA1237A1ZU Bihar
18AACCA1237A1ZE Assam
09AACCA1237A1ZD Uttar Pradesh
03AACCA1237A1ZP Punjab
20AACCA1237A1ZT Jharkhand
23AACCA1237A1ZN Madhya Pradesh
29AACCA1237A2ZA Karnataka
04AACCA1237A1ZN Chandigarh
33AACCA1237A1ZM Tamil Nadu
32AACCA1237A1ZO Kerala
36AACCA1237A1ZG Telangana
19AACCA1237A1ZC West Bengal
37AACCA1237A1ZE Andhra Pradesh
18AACCA1237A3ZC -
18AACCA1237A2ZD -
10AACCA1237A2ZT -
03AACCA1237A2ZO -
33AACCA1237A2ZL Tamil Nadu
07AACCA1237A1ZH Delhi
29AACCA1237A1ZB Karnataka
27AACCA1237A1ZF Maharashtra
34AACCA1237A1ZK Puducherry

Details of GST number 01AACCA1237A1ZT

GST number 01AACCA1237A1ZT belongs to Aceer India (Pvt)Ltd . 01AACCA1237A1ZT is registered in Jammu and Kashmir state. Business of this entiry is registerd as a Private Limited Company. Contact details such as Email, Mobile number or customer care are not shared with us.


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