Section 8 Payment on death of subscriber. of Public Provident Fund Act (PPF), 1968
Payment on death of subscriber.
8. (1) If a subscriber dies and there is in force at the time of his death a nomination in favour of any person, all amounts standing to his credit in the Fund shall be payable to the nominee.
(2) Where the nominee is a minor, the amounts referred to in sub-section (1) shall be payable to any guardian of the property of the minor appointed by a competent court, or where no such guardian has been so appointed, to either parent of the minor, or where neither parent is alive, to any other guardian of the minor.
(3) Where there is no nomination in force at the time of the death of the subscriber, the amounts referred to in sub-section (1) shall be payable to his legal heirs.
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- Section 1 Short title and extent.
- Section 2 Definitions.
- Section 3 Public Provident Fund Scheme.
- Section 4 Subscriptions to Fund.
- Section 6 Withdrawals.
- Section 7 Grant of loans.
- Section 8 Payment on death of subscriber.
- Section 9 Protection against attachment.
- Section 10 Protection of action taken in good faith.
- Section 11 Power to remove difficultie
- Section 12 Scheme to be laid before Parliament.